Discover the world of SPÜLBOY®

We are on the road for you all over the world. Get to know us and our products and see the Original for yourself.

12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025  BvSG Convention
, Wiesbaden

16.02.2025 - 18.02.2025  BB TECH EXPO
, Rimini

18.02.2025 - 20.02.2025  CATEX
, Dublin

24.02.2024  Beer Experience Belgium
, Antwerp

08.03.2025 - 09.03.2025  EDEKA Frühjahrsmesse
, Melsungen

18.03.2025  Landesverband der Lebensmittelkontrolleure NRW
, Herdecke

22.03.2025  Fachverband Getränkeschankanlagen e.V.
, Cologne

18.04.2025 - 19.04.2025  Feria Sobre Mesa
, Viña del Mar

24.04.2025 - 25.04.2025  El Ingrediente que Falta
, La Serena

02.05.2025 - 04.05.2025  Cerro de Sabores
, Valparaíso

22.05.2024 - 24.05.2025  BeerEx Africa
, Cape Town

15.09. - 19.09.2025  drinktec
, Munich

  • Theke
  • NU pro Iceblue
  • NU pickup
  • NU pro
  • Theke
  • NU pro
  • NU pickup


A better quality of life for everyone.

Proven security!

Effective concept: 100% hygienically clean. 

Our original SPÜLBOY® devices have been developed according to the "hygienic design", which makes it difficult for dirt and viruses to build up in the device. Our glass washing tablets and brush cleaners – if used correctly and regularly – ensure 100% cleanliness and safety with every wash cycle. 

Homepage - Spuelboy

It depends on the cleaner! 

Our original SPÜLBOY® cleaning tablets and brush cleaners score with:
  • proven perfect hygiene
  • uncomplicated application
  • brilliant washing results
  • particularly high productivity
  • environmental friendliness

We take responsibility!

You can be sure:
  • Separate pre-rinsing and rinsing
  • Automatic fresh water refilling of the pre-wash
  • Perfect and comprehensive solutions for your glass cleaning


Cleaning safe & easy!

In less than 5 seconds to the crystal clear and beer foam friendly glass.

SPÜLBOY® glasswashers have decisive advantages over 3-part brushes and electric dishwashers:

  • SPÜLBOY® devices all work without electricity, are extremely water-saving and require minimal use of chemicals. This makes them an ideal resource and environmentally friendly cleaning system.
  • Mechanical brush cleaning using high-quality polyamide brushes effortlessly removes even stubborn lipstick and grease residues completely and comprehensively.
  • Rinse glasses quickly and easily, your glasses are perfectly ready for use again in a few seconds – if necessary, only the refreshing, clear internal flush is possible!
  • Our devices are operated with cold water, so no cooling of the glasses is necessary – ideal for a perfect beer tap and 100% freshness enjoyment.
  • In connection with our cleaners we guarantee (!) 100% bacteria and 99.9% virus-free washing results as well as unique DIN certified devices.

Hygienically clean glasses!

In order to achieve a perfect washing result, we strongly recommend the use of our SPÜLBOY® washing tablet. This is the only way to guarantee the excellent and unique 100% bacteria and 99.9% virus-free washing results. The washing tablet works for approx. 6 hours, slowly dissolves at the bottom of the brush pot and is therefore effective for a long time. It softens the water, removes grease, dirt and lipstick residues from the glass and is also biodegradable.

The following 4 steps are essential for correct and hygienic rinsing:

  • Use the original SPÜLBOY® glass washing tablets in the brush pot regularly.
  • Clean the glass by vigorous and extensive 3-5 times up and down movements in the brush pot along the bristles.
  • Drain over the pre-rinse pot and then rinse the inside and outside cold and clear for about 2-3 seconds in the rinse cycle.
  • Hygienic glass cleaning is guaranteed if you pay attention to cleanliness when rinsing and thoroughly clean brushes and glass washer at the start of work.